Papuan Indigenous Peoples Declare of Peace in Papua in Pancasila Anniversary – A number of indigenous Papuan communities in the mountainous region are declaring Papua to be peaceful, which coincides with the anniversary oof Pancasila today, Wednesday (16/2022).

The Papua Declaration, initiated by the Papua Indigenous Peoples Institute (LMA) and took place at the Wamena Education Field, Jayawijaya Regency, was joined by thousands of residents.

“We, all Papuan indigenous people, hereby declare our determination to resolve the Papuan problem with dignity and to realize a peaceful Papua,” said Lenis Kogoya, Chair of the Papua LMA at the declaration event.

On this occasion, LMA also read out the decisions of their deliberation which was held in Wamena on May 31, 2022. One of the outcomes of a number of decisions, for example, was the ban on the formation of prohibited organizations

“It is forbidden to form organizations that are not in accordance with customary law and Indonesian laws and regulations. Unofficial organizations are prohibited from using state money in any activity,” he said.

As a result of the deliberation, the LMA also supports the development of Papua by involving all parties within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

“The LMA supports and approves Otsus and the formation of new autonomous regions (DOB) for three provinces in the first phase, and in consideration of divisions for two more provinces into 7 traditional territories,” he said.

In addition to supporting the new autonomous regions of the three provinces, they also asked for the autonomous regions of the districts in the interior of Papua.

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