Encouraging the Acceleration of the Transfer of P3d in the Education Sector in the Papua Region

goodmorningpapua.com – A Director General of Regional Development Founding, Teguh Setyabudi opened the Socialization of the Policy for the Acceleration of Transfer of Personnel, Infrastructure and Facilities, Funding and Documents (P3D) for Secondary Education in the Papua Region which was carried out on Wednesday December 7 2022 via virtual which began with directions from the Secretary of the Directorate General of PAUD DASMEN Ministry of Education and Culture.

The purpose of doing this activity is to inform the policy of transferring P3D Secondary Education through the SE of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 900.1.14.4/8469/SJ, dated 25 November 2022 concerning the Acceleration of the Transfer of Personnel, Facilities and Infrastructure, Funding and Documents for Secondary Education in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua.

In his remarks, Teguh Setyabudi delivered several important points related to the transfer of P3D Secondary Education from Papua and West Papua Provinces to Regencies/Cities in the Papua region, including: The provincial government should coordinate with district/city governments to accelerate the transfer of P3D Secondary Education from the provinces to district/city, Signing the Minutes of P2D handover to be completed no later than December 31, 2022, and reminding the need for the Regional Government to ensure that in the district/city RAPBD documents for the 2023 Fiscal Year there is a budget for secondary education management.

Participants invited to this activity were OPDs related to P3D secondary education in the provinces of Papua and West Papua as well as districts/cities in all provinces in the Papua region. In this activity, several speakers from related Ministries/Institutions were also present, namely BKN, ANRI, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education and Culture and components of the Ministry of Home Affairs, namely the Directorate General of Regional Autonomy, the Directorate General of Regional Financial Development and the Directorate General of Bina Bangda, each of which was intended to provide a policy explanation in the transfer process. Personnel, Infrastructure and Facilities, Funding and Documents.

The resource person from the Directorate General of Development and Development was represented by the Director of Synchronization of Regional Government Affairs IV. In his presentation, Ir. Zanariah said that the P3D transfer was a follow-up to the implementation of Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua and its derivative regulations, namely Government Regulation Number 106 of 2021 concerning Authority and Institutional Implementation of the Special Autonomy Policy for the Province of Papua.

Besides, he also conveyed the urgency of the transfer of P3D which must be completed by the end of 2022 due to several reasons, including: transitional provisions that do not regulate the implementation time of Government Regulation Number 106 of 2021 concerning Authority and Institutional Implementation of the Special Autonomy Policy for Papua Province, while planning for the implementation of administrative affairs Education in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua has been prepared in accordance with the authorities stipulated in Government Regulation Number 106 of 2021 and other matters requiring the transfer of P3D to be completed in 2022, namely because the planning of DAU and DAK transfer funds for the 2023 fiscal year has already been allocated to districts/cities in the Papua region. Furthermore Zanariah also conveyed the legality of P3D transfer administration in which each element in P3D is regulated by each relevant ministry such as BKN policy personnel, facilities/infrastructure through Ministry of Home Affairs policies and related documents/archives regulated through Perka ANRI 46/2015.

At the end of the event and at the same time closing which was delivered by the Director of Synchronization of Regional Government Affairs IV, several follow-up plans were conveyed by a team from the central government consisting of relevant ministries/institutions that would visit Papua for assistance activities and then monitor and evaluate the transfer process of this P3D.

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