7 Kinds of Phenomenal Papuan Culinary Other Than Papeda Worth Tried

goodmorningpapua.com – Papua has been famous for its rich cultural and natural diversity. If talking about the Papuan cuisine, most of people in other parts of Indonesia only know Papeda. Whereas in addition to Papeda, Papua Island has many other special foods with unique flavors and tempting our appetite.

Here are some typical Papuan cuisines that need to be tasted when visiting Earth of Cenderawasih.

1. A Manokwari Grilled Fish

This West Papuan dish is very delicious to enjoy with extra spicy seasoning. The characteristic of this culinary is the seasoning in the form of chili sauce, coarsely ground and served raw.

2. A Sago Caterpillar Satay

Through the hands of the Papuan people, caterpillars can be processed into satay-shaped dishes. In addition to delicious taste, this food is rich in nutrients and beneficial for the body. Sago caterpillars are gained from old and weathered sago trees. Papuans usually eat sago worms directly without being processed.

3. The Wrapped Fish

The wrapped fish is a grilled fish wrapped in taro leaves, not banana leaves. Usually the fish that is cooked is sea fish, not fresh water fish. How to process it is quite long because of it is burned over a low heat so that all the spices seep into the meat.

4. The Cheating Shrimp

This food has a name that is quite unique and interesting. In addition, this one culinary also has an extraordinary delicious taste. The process of making the cheating shrimp is actually not complicated. Shrimp simply fried or boiled.

5. Aunu Senebre

Aunu Senebre is a typical Papuan cuisine. This culinary one is made from basic ingredients, namely rice and anchovies. The spices used are not too much. How to process it: fried rice and anchovies, then mixed with taro leaves and coconut. Then the final process is steamed. The culinary taste of this one is very savory and delicious. The texture is dry. Usually this one culinary is eaten together with Papeda.

6. The Colo-colo Chilli Sauce

Actually, this sambal comes from Ambon and Manado. However, this chili sauce is very popular in Papua. The spicy taste is very distinctive, and has a slightly sour taste from the lime content. In Timika, this Colo-colo chilli sauce is prepared with grilled Dabu-dabu fish and then wrapped in a chili sauce made of chili, lime, and other spices.

7. The Cassava Chips

Taro chips are chips from yams. Usually these chips are used as snacks and gift. These chips offer three flavors, namely spicy, sweet, and savory. Taro chips are the most popular souvenirs in Sorong City, Papua, because they are almost available in every shop over there.

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